The Republicans Big Show

Today or tomorrow, the U.S. House of Representatives will pass a bill that repeals the Healthcare Reform Act that was signed into law last year.  That, of course, is the law that has generated so much controversy in this country.  I personally support this much needed law. If you also support this law, don’t worry... Continue Reading →

The New Health Insurance Plan – A Pretty Good Start

At this point, I assume you know that a new health care system is being implemented in this country.  If you don’t know this then…..well, there is no sense in reading this cause, honey, you are on another planet. We’ve heard all the arguing and seen some of the commercials and watched the elections and... Continue Reading →

Tubal Ligation – is it an outdated procedure from a misogynistic past?

It is the opinion of this author that very few women require to subject themselves to the intrabdominal procedure of a tubal ligation. There are occasions where it makes sense, like a seventh baby at c-section, the tubal takes two minutes and then it is over. But one must be certain they want irreversible sterilization... Continue Reading →

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